The App

Load eVu Senz on your smart device platform

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eVu Senz is the first in a line of medical apps that promises to revolutionize at-home clinical training with smartphones and tablets. eVu Senz automatically records psychophysiological data and provides three feedback modes – graphical, music and reward points – encouraging users to increase their relaxation response as they follow a breath pacer. The app organizes training into a 10-session program, where performance is scored and compared to a program goal. Training data is saved and reports can be emailed to both users and clinicians, rendering progress and compliance easy to track.



Pairing the eVu TPS and your iOS Device
1. Strap the eVu TPS to your finger.
2. Turn it on and wait for the blue light to begin flashing.
3. Launch the app.
A pop-up message asks you to turn on Bluetooth in your iOS settings if it is off.
4. Turn on Bluetooth in the iOS Settings > Bluetooth menu.
5. Return to the eVu Senz Home page.
6. In the iOS eVu Senz app select Settings icon-> Current eVu TPS -> Set.